วันอังคารที่ 17 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2562

Common ASEAN Tourism Curriculum (1)

Common ASEAN Tourism Curriculum

Key terms found in this chapter
   The Common ASEAN Tourism Curriculum (CATC)
   Vientiane Action Plan (VAP)
   ASEAN Tourism Agreement (ATA)
   Roadmap for Integration of Tourism Sector (RITS)
   Regional Qualifications Framework and Skills Recognition System (RQFSRS)
   Competency Based Training (CBT)
   Life-long Learning
   Child Wise Tourism Program
The Common ASEAN Tourism Curriculum (CATC) is the approved common curriculum for ASEAN Tourism Professionals as mutually agreed upon by the ASEAN Tourism Ministers upon recommendation by the ASEAN NTOs. The concept is founded upon a number of initiatives, including the Vientiane Action Plan (VAP), ASEAN Tourism Agreement (ATA) and the Roadmap for Integration of Tourism Sector (RITS). The CATC is linked to the Regional Qualifications Framework and Skills Recognition System (RQFSRS)
Design Principles
The curriculum was designed to be industry based, well-structured and flexible, in order to meet varying local requirements of the Member States. It is based on the agreed Competencies adopted by all Countries in ASEAN, and using the agreed ACCSTP Units of Competence aims at making qualifications relevant and useful to both students and the tourism industry.
Common ASEAN Tourism Curriculum
The CATC is founded upon six labour divisions: Front Office, Housekeeping, Food Production, Food & Beverage Service, Travel Agencies and Tour Operations. CATC & RQFSRS go hand in hand. CATC supports and contributes to the development of a harmonized tourism education and training framework within the ASEAN region, while the RQFSRS supports and contributes to the implementation of the MRA - TP which ultimately will facilitate skilled labour mobility, contributing to economic integration of the region.
Rationale for CATC
CATC is founded on the Competency Based Training (CBT) approach that is recognized worldwide as being the most effective means of delivering vocational training. CBT is training that provides trainees with skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary to demonstrate competence against prescribed and endorsed Industry Competency Standards. This concept is especially applicable to Tourism where attitudeis an extremely vital element of all customer-contact and service situations.

