วันอังคารที่ 17 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2562

The ASEAN MRA – TP Handbook (1)

The ASEAN MRA TP Handbook
This Handbook will explain the MRA TP system and processes so that ASEAN NTOs are fully aware of this important Arrangement and can take action to implement MRA TP by 2015 as agreed by the ASEAN Member States. In addition, an MRA Guidebook for Tourism Professionals & Employers will be prepared to give a short and practical guide for industry members.

What is a Mutual Recognition Arrangement?
A mutual recognition arrangement (MRA) is an international agreement designed to promote economic integration and increased trade between nations. This is achieved by reducing regulatory impediments to the movement of goods and services. MRAs facilitate trade because they smooth the path in negotiation between nations. Each nation has its own standards, procedures and regulations. If trade is to flow freely between nations then agreement has to be reached on the equivalence or conformity - between these regulations, standards and procedures. MRAs are the instruments that are used to reach such agreement.
MRAs became important in the field of assessing equivalent standards between partners in the early 1980s. They were formalized by the World Trade Organization under the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT). This agreement has become the guiding basis for all MRAs whether in the public sector (where the majority are found) or in the private sector.

Types of MRAs
Whilst there are a number of types of MRAs, the most common is designed to facilitate agreement on standards. This type of MRA is an agreement between two or more parties to mutually recognize or accept so one or all aspects of one anothers conformity assessments. The term is also now applied to agreements on the recognition of professional qualifications.
The early MRAs tended to operate on a bilateral basis, facilitating agreement between two countries wanting to work together. However, as they grew and evolved, MRAs became more complex, dealing with multi-lateral issues of trade, where a number of nations are involved. This is the case in the European Union, APEC, and also in ASEAN where 10 nations are involved. ASEAN now has a variety of MRAs seeking conformance of standards in fields such as nursing, telecommunications and tourism.

Benefits of MRAs
For governments, MRAs ensure commitment and agreement to international trade, and encourage the sharing of good practice and information between partners. This can lead to:
    Reduced costs;
    Increased competitiveness;Increased market access; and
    Freer flow of trade.
For tourism professionals and the industry, MRAs provide the following benefits:
  Facilitate mobility of tourism professionals based on the tourism competency qualification/ certificate
    Enhance conformity of competency based training/education
    Recognize skills of tourism professional
    Improve the quality of tourism human resources (graduates are ready to work in the industry)
    Enhance the quality of tourism services.

Purpose of MRA on Tourism Professionals
The ASEAN MRA on Tourism Professionals (MRA-TP) seeks to increase the international mobility of tourism labor across the ASEAN region in line with ASEAN policy. Each ASEAN nation has its own standards, certification and regulations for recognizing the competency of workers in the tourism sector. Therefore, there is a need for an MRA to facilitate agreement on what constitutes equivalent competency to work in tourism by a worker, for example from Indonesia, who is seeking a position in Malaysia. The MRA TP is therefore designed to:
a)    Address the imbalance between supply and demand for tourism jobs across the ASEAN region; and
b)    Establish a mechanism for the free movement of skilled and certified tourism labor across the ASEAN region. The objectives of MRA TP are threefold, to:
      a)   Facilitate mobility of Tourism Professionals;
    b)  Encourage exchange of information on best practices in competency-based education and training for Tourism Professionals; and,
    c) Provide opportunities for cooperation and capacity building across ASEAN Member States.

How was the MRA TP Developed?
In January 2006 ASEAN Tourism Ministers supported the decision by ASEAN NTOs to establish the ASEAN Task Force on Tourism Manpower Development (ATFTMD) to prepare a Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA TP) for ASEAN Tourism Professionals. The ASEAN MRA on Tourism Professionals was signed by the ASEAN Tourism Ministers in 2009 (See Annex I for the full text). The ATFTMD was one of six tourism task forces formed to assist ASEAN NTOs (National Tourism Organizations) in all matters related to tourism manpower development, especially in the implementation of the Roadmap for Integration of the Tourism sector, the Vientiane Action Program and the ASEAN Tourism Agreement.
The ATFTMD was dissolved in 2010 and the ASEAN Tourism Professional Monitoring Committee (ATPMC) was formally established in June 2010, at Lombok, Indonesia, to take over responsibility for promoting, updating, maintaining and monitoring ACCSTP and CATC, and for disseminating information about MRA TP. ATPMC will work closely with the Quality Tourism Working Group which is primarily responsible for developing standards and in the implementation of the MRA TP 

