CATC Framwork
CATC aims at providing an efficient and practical model for the
delivery of vocational training which can be expected to prove popular with
industry, students and training providers. The model is
straightforward and consistent across all Secondary Labour Divisions of Travel
Agencies, Tour Operation, Housekeeping, Front Office, Food and Beverage
Service, and Food Production. It offers qualifications in
each of the labour divisions from Certificate II level to Advanced Diploma
level. The framework is:
• Industry-based – the units of competency and the
content for each one has been set by
industry: qualifications will match industry need in order
to make qualifications relevant and useful to both students and industry
• Flexible
– allowing students, industry and training providers the highest level of flexibility in the
selection of units for each
qualification: stakeholders
can indi vidually determine on a case-by-case
basis the actual mix of units that will
com bine to fulfil the packaging requirements for a qualification
• Well-structured – there is a logical flow
between qualifications: this
facilitates advancement through qualifications, enables movement between streams and en ables
students to gain higher level managerial qualifications while still retaining a
practical and operational focus
Structure of CATC
consists of five qualification levels across all six Labour
Divisions providing vocational streams within each Labour Division that reflect
the stated needs of AMS and the needs of industry. In all
cases Certificate II incorporates Certificate I on the advice of participating
countries. Table 3.1 gives an
overview of the level at which each of the five qualifications in the Framework
is set.
Framework Level
Level 5 - Advanced
broad and specialised competence with senior management skills
creative, conceptual or managerial applications built around competencies of
either a broad or specialised base and related to a broader organisational
Level 4 - Diploma
competence with managerial skills
a greater theoretical base and consists of specialised, technical or
managerial competencies used to plan, carry out and evaluate work of self and/or team.
Level 3 - Certificate
technical competence with supervisory skills
sophisticated technical applications involving competencies requiring
increased theoretical knowledge, applied in a non-routine
environment and which may involve team leadership and management and
increased responsibility for outcomes.
Level 2 - Certificate
range of skills in more varied context and team leader responsibilities
operator who applies a broad range of competencies within a more varied work
context, possibly providing technical advice and support to a team including
having team leader responsibilities.
Level 1 - Certificate
routine skills in a defined context
base operational qualification that encompasses a range of functions/activities requiring fundamental operational knowledge and
limited practical skills in a defined context.