The ATPMC’s responsibilities in
relation to the MRA – TP, are:
Create awareness and disseminate information about
the MRA on Tourism
Professionals within ASEAN;
Promote, update, maintain and monitor the ASEAN
Common Competency Standards for Tourism Professionals (ACCSTP) and the Common ASEAN Tourism
Curriculum (CATC);
c) Notify promptly the concerned
Tourism Professional Certification Board (TPCB) upon receipt of feedback from National Tourism Professional
Board (NTPB), in case a foreign
Tourism Professional is no longer recognized by the host country;
d) Facilitate the exchange of
information concerning assessment procedures, criteria, systems, manuals and
publications relating to this Arrangement; e) Report its
work progress to the ASEAN NTOs;
f) Formulate and update necessary mechanisms to enable
the implementation of the MRA on Tourism Professionals;
Such other functions and responsibilities that may be
assigned to it by the ASEAN
NTOs in the future; and
Resolve any differences among ASEAN Member States
concerning the interpretation or application of the MRA on Tourism
Professionals and to settle them in an amicable manner.
Key Elements of MRA – TP
The key elements of MRA – TP are
listed below and will be expanded upon in the following sections of this
Handbook. These elements need to be in place for the
system to work fully, and some parts, such as the ASEAN Tourism Professional
Registration System (ATPRS), will
only be launched in 2015.
a) The ASEAN
Tourism Professional Monitoring Committee (ATPMC) consists
of ASEAN NTOs and appointed representatives from the National Tourism
Professional Boards (NTPBs).
b) The ASEAN
Tourism Professional Registration System (ATPRS) is
a web-based facility to disseminate details of certified
Foreign Tourism Professionals within ASEAN. This
registration system is still under development and will be launched in 2015.
c) The National
Tourism Professional Board (NTPB) refers to the Board for
Tourism Professionals composed of representatives from the public and private
sectors (including academia and other relevant tourism
stakeholders) to be determined by the respective ASEAN
d) The Tourism
Professional Certification Board (TPCB) refers
to the government board and/or agency authorized by the
government of each ASEAN Member State primarily responsible for the assessment
and certification of Tourism Professionals.
e) Tourism
Professional refers to a person who holds the nationality of an
Member State certified by the Tourism Professional
Certification Board;
f) The ASEAN
Common Competency Standards for Tourism Professionals (ACCSTP) refers to the minimum requirements of competency standards
in hotel and travel services which aim to upgrade tourism services and
facilitate the development of MRA between ASEAN Member States.
g) The Common
ASEAN Tourism Curriculum (CATC) refers to the common
curriculum for ASEAN Tourism Professionals as mutually agreed upon by the ASEAN
Tourism Ministers upon recommendation by the ASEAN NTOs.
h) Assessment refers
to the process of appraising the qualification and/or
competencies of Tourism Professionals;
i) Certification
to the issuance of a certificate to Tourism Professional whose qualification
and/or competencies have met the standards specified in ACCSTP;
j) Verification is the means by which a certificate or qualification is checked against ACCSTP to ensure its compatibility and validity.